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Schöner Fotografieren
Bilder von Andreas Hurni und Michael Albat; Schöner fotografieren -Texte zur Fotografie; Blog

Schweizerische Landesphonothek
Die Schweizerische Landesphonothek hat den auftrag, tonträger zu sammeln, zu erschliessen und für die benutzung bereitzustellen, deren inhalt in irgendeiner weise einen bezug zur geschichte und kultur der Schweiz hat.

Here is New York
In response to the World Trade Center tragedy, and to the unprecedented flood of images that have resulted from it, a unique exhibition and sale of photographs is running in various exhibition spaces. HERE IS NEW YORK is not a conventional gallery show. It is something new, a show tailored to the nature of the events of 9/11, and to the response it has elicited. The exhibition is subtitled A Democracy of Photographs because anyone and everyone who has taken pictures relating to the tragedy is invited to bring or ftp their images to the gallery, where they will be digitally scanned, archivally printed and displayed on the walls alongside the work of top photojournalists and other professional photographers. All of the prints which HERE IS NEW YORK displays will be sold to the public for $25, regardless of their provenance. The net proceeds will go to the Children's Aid Society WTC Relief Fund, for the benefit of the thousands of children who are among the greatest victims of this catastrophe.

Verein zur erhaltung des audiovisuellen kulturgutes der Schweiz

idée suisse - clip-archiv
Multimediale chronik der Schweiz: 75 jahre programmhighlights zum jubiläum der SRG SSR idée suisse
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