Home » Topic » Israel » Timeline » 2000 - 2009

Snowfall in Jerusalem.

Tensions with the Lebanon. Seven Israeli soldiers are killed at guerilla unit attacks. Israel answers with the bombing of power stations.

Lebanese attacks on the north of Israel.

Negotiations with Syria in Shepherdstown. The Israeli secretary president Ehud Barak fills, Israel can retire without safety arrangements from the South Lebanon.

The singer Ofra Haza dies in the age of 41 years.

Pope Johannes Paul II goes to Israel.

Israel informs the United Nations it will withdraw his troops from the Lebanon till July.

Collapse of the South Lebanese Army. May 24th: Israel withdraws his troops from the South Lebanon.

July: Negotiations in Camp David. The negotiations fail after the Palestinians insist on her original negotiation position.

President Ezer Weizmann steps down. The Knesset votes for the Likud-candidate Moshe Katsav on July 31st. The rival candidate is called Shimon Peres.

September 13th: After the brakoff of the Camp David Negotiations in July, this date describes the end of the official prolongation of the Agreements of Oslo.

At the End of September breaks out the so called «Al-Aksa Intifada». It comes to violent confrontations at the Temple mount on September 29th. The twelve-year Mohammed Jamal Al-Durra is shot by Israeli soldiers in front of the eyes of the world public on September 30th. The Hezbollah kidnaps three Israeli soldiers and an Israeli businessman. Two Israeli soldiers are lynched in Ramallah on October 12th. The Jerusalem district Gilo is shot at by Beit Jala.

October 16th to 17th: Summit meeting in Sharm El Sheik: The American President Bill Clinton demands end from the two sides, the violences.

October 21st to 22nd: Arabian summit in Cairo.

On November 2nd: A car bomb explodes near the Jerusalem Mahane Jehuda market in a street. Two people are killed.

Shimon Peres travels to Gaza to negotiate with Yasser Arafat.

A bus is shot at by Ramallah nearby. Five people die.

Israel does the fifth anniversary of the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

Leah Rabin die on November 12th.

December : Prime Minister Ehud Barak steps down and sets new elections.
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