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US'99 - Four fellows on travelling
It was once, far far away. There gathered two young and a more recently looking fellow. They had an inspiration. Whether the inspiration was divine, is here not longer from importance. It was much more important of what the inspiration three fellows - Jan, Marc and me - had to inform: «Goes in a group of four to Los Angeles! Adopts a car to you there and moves in the direction of Seattle! Since not blind on the way to Seattle. Look to the beauty of the country!»

What should they do now, the three fellows? They were only too third. They decided to begin with preparing and tarpaulins, although they did not know who would be then the fourth one.

The castles which offered for sale a couch site, for little clods, had to be found. What «the beauty of the land» was, had to be brought in experience. The three consult a lot of wise men.

The fellows had already finished their preparations, there a fellow with name Philipp appeared from the dark fog of the uncertainty. This had also received an inspiration. Also his inspiration sent him to USA. The inspiration also told him about four fellows. Thus they got together.

Which adventures experience these four fellows in the USA, you can get now to know, dear reader, on the following sides.

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