Seattle |
Tuesday, 20th July - Today also Philipp left me! There I decided, after the visit of the Boing works, now completely on myself only put, to rummage again a little bit in Seattle.
Unfortunately, I had to ascertain which has considerably shrunk of the Monorail of Seattle since my last visit eight years ago, and now can be called only tourist trap. Seattle Centre - Shopping Mall for 1.25 $. Philipp, why you did not want in the IMAX 3D! You would have liked the film! Shark, oversized and just 3D - pitch! Now after 2313 miles it is so far, our carriage is given off, I wait in the SeaTac for my takeoff to New York. Amusing what effect I have on good-looking 45-year-old Ground-Assistens. The runnings still after, with it them to me one improve place can change the booking - window with the emergency-exit - ! |